Al Majaz Amphitheatre
This magnificent edifice is the first of its kind in the region. The open-air theatre is inspired by the Roman-style Amphitheatre and designed in a semicircular shape. At 7,238 square meters in area, the theatre can accommodate 4,500 spectators, with a variety of seating options, divided into 5 parts Platinum, Diamond, Gold, Silver and Pearl seats, overlooking a large stage mediating Al Majaz Amphitheatre where artists can present their performances.
The Amphitheatre has a full complement of professional working spaces in the backstage including VIP, performer and Chorus dressing rooms; laundry, props and wet-work rooms; touring production rooms and sanitary facilities, all with Wi-Fi and hard-line connections. A split level control room adds further working room for directors and producers.
Events Held at Amphitheatre
Al Majaz Amphitheatre is dedicated to present all kinds of performance art,
hosting theatrical performances, musicals and concerts.